Day 442 – The new gig

This morning has already flown by. I love how fast things go when you are in a jam session and really focused. I got my morning to do list done and quickly!

So just wanted to share a bit about the job I got. I have been offered a sales position for Aramark in their uniform division. I am pretty excited about it for a couple of reasons. First of all I am glad to get out of the toxic environment I am currently in. When I made the decision to go back to work it was to make ends meet and get rid of the stress of not having money to pay our bills. I was hoping for a simple job that I would enjoy and not get too involved in. I was looking for a fair trade of time for dollars. What I found was too costly on my attitude. The culture at this place was nothing positive to be kind.

This job will allow me to do what I am good at and enjoy. I will be out among different people and it will provide the security and benefits I was looking for in the first place. It will also provide time for Amy and I to focus on some sales things that have been slacking as of late with Eve’s.

I guess me getting up early in the morning has gotten me ready for this too because. By now I would have been at work for about 2 hours already. I will be deep into Amy’s world soon which means 7 o’clock bedtimes for this guy.

When you get up at 3am are you really a morning person or just a night owl that takes an evening nap?

One thought on “Day 442 – The new gig

  1. Yay for you!! AND it’s a job that people really can’t ask for free handouts… I hope… Also, when there’s a Part 1, there needs to be a Part 2. You really need an editor!!! 🙂

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