Day 212 – Out there hitting the streets!

Today I had sales calls scheduled most of the day with Jesse.

I have told him before how simple this job of selling liquor is and today I think he may have finally gotten it. We had set up 21 stops today. We skipped a few because of misidentifying the type of license they had but, we added a few in that were not on the list. We got to actually meet with 4 decision makers and they all said yes. the rest of the appointments were filled with bartenders who liked the product and were more than willing to give us the decision makers name and when they worked again. Out of 21 stops I would say that we only had one guy that tried to “big time” us and blew us off.

Okay, so I have to admit that this pisses me off. I understand that any business owner gets solicited a lot. If you don’t know because you work for someone else, take my word for it it. It is a lot. I get several calls a week from people wanting to run my website to ship my goods to give me $250,000. I listen to everyone of them.

I never blow them off. Why? Because I don’t have it all figured out. Even if I do know what they are selling and it is not for me, I tell them to check back with me in a couple months because things could change. I have never just blown someone off or treated them like shit. They are hard working people just doing what it takes to get ahead. they are no different from me pitching moonshine or you serving breakfast or fastening rivets. They are working and I may need to know what they have.

Now this may sound arrogant. In fact, I am sure it will but, I do not apologize for it. I introduce myself as the owner of Eve’s Moonshine Company. It is only to get their attention and let them know that they are important enough to warrant a sales call from me. For the most part it served it’s purpose and just opened a door to speak. Funny how later in the conversation they express their displeasure for distributors that change reps often and have no consistency. Then they choose to take that out on me The Manufacturer? I am not going anywhere. I will not be getting transferred. I just want to share an amazing drink with them to share with their customers. It is funny how just ever once in a while I will get treated like a shoe stock boy. I must be interupting their one customer and their twitter feed at 1:45 in the afternoon.

Honestly that is truly the exception to the rule. Most are awesome and want to know more about a new local spirit. From the National chain with 118 stores to the 38 year old bar that my parents went to when I was a kid, most of these people want to hear about something new and if it is local even more. We get even more bonus points because we are actually GOOD!

Our close rate is high and we are moving product. Putting up numbers and moving forward!

Day 211 – We cross paths for a reason.

Okay today I got a few new posters made and delivered to a new placement in Everett. I sent off a dozen emails and stayed on top of things as I keep moving forward.

I am beginning to realize that the light at the end of the tunnel is just a mirage in the desert of business. There is no end only tunnel and that is fine. It is not really a race but as I stated on my first day it is a journey. That is really beginningĀ to sink in.

The journey has highs and lows, easy digging and bedrock. With each day comes challenges and victories with lessons to learn from each.

We-dont-meet-people-by-accident-They-are-meant-to-cross-our-path-for-a-reason.-1I literally find rewarding things every day as I come across new people and take steps forward. I met a guy on Monday at the Sam Adams coaching event that was is a butcher in Seattle. While we shared our stories I thought at the time that this was simply another guy just like me on his own journey. After I got an email from him today I started to reflect on why our paths may have crossed. He casually mentioned that he was interested in starting a spirit for his company to extend his brand. Honestly I did not think much of it at the time. I mean, why would a butcher of 30 plus years be interested in creating a spirit. After doing some research on who he was and what he has done for small farms here locally I am excited to meet with him and my mind is flooded with ideas.

I love being able to work for myself and really let my mind go where it has always wanted to go. Meeting with this guy aligns with my purpose of helping others and that really turns my crank.

Day 210 – Early start and a full day.

Normally I get a late start on Wednesdays. I am up late with the quiz on Tuesdays and I use that as an excuse to sleep in. Funny thing about excuses, they are just that – excuses.

Today I got up at my normal time. Yeah it was rough but that what SPARK is for! I had to take Cort down to the in law’s new place so he could help my brother with the remodel and I came back and got an early start on my day.

I actually got so wrapped up in follow ups and emails that I lost track of time. I had a haircut appointment at 1:30 that I almost missed. I had a follow up at a local tavern and then made it home to spend some time with Amy.

One of the things I do for her that I can pretty much guarantee other husbands do not is that I dye her hair. Yeah like i get the color kit and I dye her roots. Laugh if you will but, if you are a woman reading this you probably think that is awesome! Guys, it saves money and earns me more points than you could possibly imagine. Plus i get to ususally watch a movie while we are doing it which tonight was the new 300 movie!

After dinner I got to take my youngest to his driving test for his license. I have to admit I am nervous about him being on the road but, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he is the youngest and this is just another sign that our babies are growing up.

Business wise today was a maintenance day. A lot of follow ups and planning and tomorrow will be much of the same with a few appointments and presentations. Product is starting to hit the shelves and I need to organize tastings and get creative with inexpensive promotions to get some sales and start turning product off of the shelves.

New haircut, a clear desk and a full task sheet and I am ready to rock!

Day 209 – 146 days left and a lot is happening!

Things are happening and it is exciting.

So we had a snafu with the Washington Distributor for Eve’s Moonshine and I was worried that it had cost us some sales. They had product in the warehouse for a week and a half and no one knew it. I was out making sales and presentations and had no way to get these people their product. Last Friday we finally got things straightened out and the inventory was showing in the system.

Recipe captureToday I was making a presentation to a popular bar that caters to the Boeing crowd here in Everett. The Southern Sales Rep happened to be at the bar and the owner called him over to add some Eve’s Apple Pie to her order. The rep tried telling us that it was not available yet and I assured him otherwise. He opened his laptop and typed a few keys and to his surprise it was showing. He told me how much was in inventory and I was the one who was surprised. It seems since Friday that Southern had already sold 30% of the inventory they had brought in!

That is super exciting and we will be expecting a re order soon. The rep was happy too because he is a fan and was waiting for it to show up so he could start presenting it as well. We will be going out again on Friday and we have 21 stops scheduled. We are working hard to get that foothold we need to get numbers and get us up to the next level.

New_POS_wide_smallIn other news, there may be some life being breathed into Wired Waffles. We have been kind of on auto pilot the last several months as we knew that we needed a serious change to make things happen. We needed a serious reduction in costs and or a partner to help with marketing and distribution costs.

We approached our manufacturer about a possible partnership. We just wanted to see if they would be interested at all in anything. We were excited to hear that they are actually open to the idea and there are some broad strokes being put down to see if we can make something happen. By partnering with the manufacturer we actually solve both problems. Our manufacturing costs will be cut by almost half and then the manufacturer would put Wired Waffles into their catalog and push the product into their existing accounts!

209 days down but, there is still 146 days left onthis leg of the journey and a lot can happen. Remember its only how you run the race and ultimately how you finish that matters!

Day 208 – Sam Adam’s Jim Koch is a new hero of mine.

Today was awesome!

Seriously I mean it. Even though i did not get all that I set out to acomplish today it was a big day.

I got to spend several hours with my new intern Jesse. the day did not go gang busters and I am happy that it went the way it did. We made several calls today. and out of all of them we were actually only able to meet with one decision maker. We are selling Eve’s Apple Pie so of course we sold him. I know that sounds arrogant but literally our close rate on someone who actually tastes our apple pie is almost 8 out of 10.

Our day was great because Jesse got to see a lot. Out of most of the places we visited we were able to get a decision makers name and when they will be working next. Like I said, in most cases all I have to do is get them to just taste it ti get the placement. Unfortunately as sales go we did get a no and it especially stung because I feel like my slowness in getting back to the owner of Sporty’s cost me that one. I was there right before we launched and got him excited and then never went back. He remained excited, so much so that when I never came back, he decided to carry a competitor.

After a good day of sales and at least one new placement I rushed home for what was sure to be a great evening.

sam-adams-btadAmy and I got to got to a very special cool event in Seattle. Samuel Adams Brewing put on a small event for small business owners called Brewing the American Dream. They brought in experts Finance, Sales, and Marketing and let people like me pick their brains. What a treat! I was able to sit down with experts and share where we were at and what our struggles were. It was amazing to hear others views on where we were at and what we were trying to accomplish. I got some really sound advice on a couple issues we have been struggling with.

Now I get advice all of the time, most of it unsolicited and almost all of it from people with opinions not experience. Tonight we got unbiased real advice from someone on the outside with no vested interest in our endeavor.

The most amazing thing about tonight was how impressed people were with what we had accomplished in a short time and were we were heading.

There was nothing to be sold, nothing to sign up for and no ulterior motives. Just business people giving back and helping others.

Tonight I felt like a rock star and I know that Eve’s Moonshine Company will be my vehicle to my first million. I was almost told so tonight.

Day 207 – It does not matter how one starts the race.

start-the-race-michael-clevelandThe last month we have been going through the old testament. Today we got to King Solomon. Solomon was the Son of David and the beginning of a cancer that led to the exile of the Jewish people from the promised land of Israel.

Solomon started of as a Great King. He was wise and smart. I remember when I was a child, the first bible story I remember was of King Solomon’s wisdom. The story is told in 1 Kings 3:16-28.Ā Two women called upon Solomon, asking him to determine which of the two of them should be awarded a disputed infant. Both mothers claimed to have given birth to the baby. Since they couldn’t decide, Solomon came up with what sounded like a logical idea. He suggested the baby be cut and split between the two women. When one of the women immediately understood that the beloved child would be killed, she no longer cared whether she got to raise him. All she wanted was that he be safe. The other potential mother didn’t care: she wanted her piece. Solomon decided the real mother — or at least the one who should be the real mother — was the one who would rather give up her child than see it be destroyed.

Solomon’s wisdom traveled and the Queen of Sheba embarked on a 3 year mission just to find out for herself if he was indeed as smart as all claimed him to be.

King Solomon also started out with a dedication to God, just like his father before him. God put his blessing on him as he built the temple atop of Mt Zion.

There was something else going on in Solomon. He began to collect Horses and gold and expand his reach. He sent Jews back to Egypt to get more, Became indebted to a neighboring King and enslaved some of his own people. These we all things that Moses warned his people of hundreds of years before. God had given Moses ruled for the Jewish people to follow if they ever took a king. King Solomon had also taken on 700 foreign wives on top of his 300 concubines.

King Solomon was bless with incredible wisdom, and was running the empire of Israel at it’s most glorious time. He started his race strong but his wives, all 700 of them turned his heart from God. He began to erect shrines to the gods of his vies on the Mount of Olives. God was angry and promised that he would tear the Kingdom away from him. His race ended poorly.

It does not matter how well we begin a race but, how we run it and that we finish.

It does not matter how my race began. The only thing that ultimately matters is how I finish. I will not give up, I will not turn, I will simply place one foot in front of the other. I will not take for granted the blessings that have been given me.

IĀ have committed to running my race well and focus on the finish.

Day 206 – Stop at the lemonade stand.

lemonade standOn my way to church tonight I drove past a few kids running a lemonade stand.Ā I have a personal rule about this situation that I would like to share.


It is one of the most powerful and easy things you can do. Do your part to support the young entrepreneurs of our future. When you stop you are sending a positive message and pushing them in the right direction. Running your own business takes guts. The confidence they gain at an early age directly affects the confidence they will have in the future. Lemonade stands represent a kids beginning steps to go out on their own and take risks for future rewards. When you stop you are giving them the confidence they need to pursue their dreams. The kids that are running that little lemonade stand could be the next Richard Branson, Mark Cuban or even bigger

Today’s kids are so inundated with technology. This technology is destroying the need for real human interaction. This institution of operating a lemonade stand is becoming a lost tradition in the face of tweeting, texting, and passive communication.

When you do stop be positive and encourage them. Remember they are kids and you have an opportunity to speak value and a positive message into them. Smile and Ā say thank you. They are giving you a service. This too is sadly being forgotten, mostly by adults. This is a good habit wherever you get a service. A smile goes a long way, especially if they have been out in the sun for a few hours.

This simple lemonade stand represents the foundation of the very country we live in. The best country in the world, The United States of America. A country where you can start with nothing but a dream and accomplish anything you want. Today we seem to have become a country of entitlement instead of what has made this country great.

By stopping at that simple lemonade stand you are doing your part to pump life into this forgotten fundamental – Work for what you want and reap what you sow.

Next time you see a lemonade stand I challenge you to stop.

Day 205 – Date Night ’cause Darren Hardy said so!

I blogged earlier this week about realizing that I not only need to have relaxation time but, that it needs to be scheduled.

There is that four letter word again . . . schedule.

Capture scheduleThe same day that I had that realization I carved out a Long overdue date night for Amy andĀ me. I really had been looking forward to it since I put it on the calendar. I even put on the calendar See Lucy (the movie) because Darren Hardy says so.

Today was really great. I got up and out of the house right on time, and because I had Cort with me I actually got more accomplished and earlier than I had planned. We met up with my brother who is working on the in-laws remodel project on the house they just bought. Today was demo day! yeah give me a sawzall, a hammer, and a pry bar then you better get out of my way.

In just four hours we were able to wreck out the kitchen, like nothing, just another empty room with 220v wires coming out of the wall and floor and some water connections. Kitchen = GONE! We also did the same to the master bath. Judging by how hard it was to get the giant soaking tub from 1982 out of there, it was obvious that it was never meant to come out. We ripped out some carpet and took apart a big teak wall unit – also from 1982.

The whole time I am working today I was keeping an eye on the time because I knew our movie started at 530 and I still had to make it home, shower, and then make it to the theater. Proud to say I kept to my schedule and as soon as I got out of the shower I was on “scheduled” relax time.

I am going to try to explain the difference between relaxing and scheduled relaxing.

So after a hard or long day, at some point I get a chance to sit down. Maybe have a drink, kick off my shoes, and even catch a show with the kid. Whenever I do this, my mind is still working and I am really not “there”. I often have to get up to jot down a note, look something up or even shoot off a quick email. I am not truly relaxed.

We left to get to the theater with plenty of time and I started to really feel myself unwind. Because I had scheduled this time off, I was not worried about anything else but spending time with Amy. When we finished the movie I was feeling great. I was in such a different place that I actually saw what I normally look like in the others around me. Face in their phones, in a huge hurry, or just not paying attention to anyone around them.

We went to grab a bite to eat and again we were in no hurry at all. Scheduled relaxation is way better than any just putting your feet up moment that I may be able to take every once in a while. Scheduled relaxation is a game changer. I feel like a million bucks right now. I am gonna wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready to go!

Day 204 – Take me seriously, I have earned it.

I am a businessman. I have started and run several companies over the last 25 years. I may not have hit a home run yet but, I am still here. I have stayed alive and supported my family. It has not always been flush but we have made it work.LifeLesson_Gateway4

I have created products and got them to market. I have had employees and paid taxes and contributed to the economy. I still find myself trying to justify to people that what I do is serious.

It seems that people judge what I do on my results. Results in some people’s mind is more than is reasonable. So basically if I am not a millionaire or whatever I am not taken seriously. Well I am putting everyone on notice. I am successful! I have been working for myself without a job for over two years. I have the same struggles as anyone else with a job. I have trouble paying my bills sometimes but we manage. I do this without a job but, working for myself. Why is that so frowned upon? Because I work for myself I seem to be held to a different standard than others. I wonder why that is.

I am tired of apologizing for doing what I do. I work for myself. I am a smart person and have a list of accomplishments that is very well respected in business circles. I run 4 companies and have attained a level of success in all four that are notable.

Recently I started another business and I hate to admit that I have been a bit ashamed about it. Amy and I signed up for Advocare about 2 months ago. Advocare is a direct Marketing company with health and nutrition products. We started as customers just looking to lose some weight and get healthier. After participating in the 24 Day Challenge we decided that this was something we needed to share.

As a business professional I looked at the opportunity and I could not find anything negative about the company so we jumped in. In two months we have generated an additional income of about $500 per month.

I know people have some pretty strong preconceived notions about these kind of companies but. if they had my experience or an open mind they could see what I see. This is a real company with awesome products and a real opportunity. I cannot believe that someone like Drew Brees or Rich Froning would attach themselves to a company or opportunity that is a scam. Advocare just built a $30 million training facility for the New Orleans Saints, they have a NASCAR team and a Professional Soccer team. This is a company that pays $0.61 of every dollar back to their distributors.

Where the rubber meets the road is in my story. I lost 17 pounds in 24 days on their products and I have generated an extra $500 per month by just sharing my results and story. If that is wrong in other peoples mind, I have to say that I think they are the ones who are wrong.

We have been so conditioned that we are supposed to get a job and work our asses off for someone else that we have forgotten that the American dream and in fact capitalism is what has made this country great.

I for one will keep on keepin on in ALL of my endeavors including Advocare. I challenge you to really open you mind and look at the facts. If you have questions ask someone. Ask me. What if there was actually something more? What if there was a way for you to actually make all those dreams come true? Wouldn’t you actually like to know the truth?

Day 203 – I have to schedule relaxation.

It is funny, on my journey I learn things every day. It is really frustrating when I learn things on my own that I could have learned WAY earlier if I just listened.

I wrote a post a few days ago about resting and actually scheduling time to relax. It was a result of frustration and lessons that I learned hard. If you remember back in June I signed up for an online course from Darren Hardy, the editor of Success Magazine, called Insane Productivity. I have been so busy lately that my studies have been put on hold.

I have been literally overwhelmed with work and tasks and have teetered on the edge of insanity. I have suffered a huge level of anxiety and lost sleep and actually gotten a bit unhealthy. Today I got back on track and basically re-booted. I took time to get back into the study program and dove into the next module. ( I am 4 weeks behind).

Guess what the subject was on.

relaxing-on-beachYes, it was on relaxing. I sat and listened to why it is important to not only relax but, to actually schedule it. If I had just stayed on course I could have saved myself some sleepless nights and a lot of anxiety.

I learned about not only about business people that have to take time to relax to increase their productivity but, also that athletes follow this apparently obvious practice.

One can only work for so long relentlessly toiling at any given task. There was a study done by the US Army in 1998 on productivity. They separated sharp shooters into two groups. Group one was allowed to shoot as much as they wanted and as many times as possible. Group 2 was ordered to take intermittent breaks and naps. Day one showed group one in the lead in targets hit over group 2. On Day two group one’s accuracy started to fade and by day three Group two took the lead on hit targets and actually won by a significant margin. By taking rests, the second group was rested and remained accurate and out performed the group that was able to shoot at will.

Fred Shoemaker of “Extraordinary Golf” compared amateur swings with Pros with ball and without. Amateur swings closely resembled the Pro’s swing with no ball present. The difference was that the Pro can swing “relaxed” when the ball is on the line.

To sum up I think that Leonardo Da Vinci said it best inĀ How To Think. “It is a very good plan every now and then to go away and have a little relaxation . . . when you come back to the work your judgement will be surer, since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose the power of judgment.”

Take breaks. Schedule them and refresh yourself. Your productivity will go up.