Day 441 – Mastermind Night!

Last night was our first Mastermind meeting and it was a thing to behold.

We met for the first time a few weeks ago to discuss vision for the group and some basic structure. We had a meal and started to get to know each other. I am the common thread in the group but, some of the members are acquaintances at least. It is a group of people that I am most excited about being with. Each person brings something unique and valuable to the table to offer.

I have read about the Mastermind for several years and thought of trying to put one together for almost as long. I understood the concept mentally but, I never really got it until last night. Now I find myself wishing I would have done this years ago.

download (4)So the basic concept was for one member to bring a challenge to the group for discussion. To “tap into” the Mastermind, if you will. The idea is to get everyone in the group thinking and sharing on the same subject for the benefit of the one seeking knowledge. Now, we have all seen the power of this before in any brainstorming session. Once the stream is open it begins to flow faster and faster until it is like a flash flood. One idea spawns another and yet another. Rabbit trails of thought are uncovered and things that were never even considered are brought into light.

Imagine that that brainstorming session was not about ways to raise money for your daughter’s Girl Scout troop, or how to reduce costs in the mail room, but something personal that will affect your life.

Last night one of our members tapped in to the Mastermind to seek help making a decision about what to do about a piece of real estate. I watched as this “brainstorming” started to happen and the Mastermind went into action. It was pretty awesome and I was not even the one seeking the information. I worried that 30 minutes may not be enough time for someone to get enough information to assist them from the group but, I think it was almost too much time. The amount of information that came out was incredible.

I am sure you have heard the saying, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”? That is how I felt last night and just an observer and contributor. By tapping into a free thinking group of people there were thoughts and ideas brought up that had not even been considered. I am not sure the member asking, was not,expecting such an awesome amount of questions and ideas to think about and consider as he makes a decision.

I think the night was a success and I cannot wait for the next one. I think we are really on to something awesome!

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