Day 205 – Date Night ’cause Darren Hardy said so!

I blogged earlier this week about realizing that I not only need to have relaxation time but, that it needs to be scheduled.

There is that four letter word again . . . schedule.

Capture scheduleThe same day that I had that realization I carved out a Long overdue date night for Amy and me. I really had been looking forward to it since I put it on the calendar. I even put on the calendar See Lucy (the movie) because Darren Hardy says so.

Today was really great. I got up and out of the house right on time, and because I had Cort with me I actually got more accomplished and earlier than I had planned. We met up with my brother who is working on the in-laws remodel project on the house they just bought. Today was demo day! yeah give me a sawzall, a hammer, and a pry bar then you better get out of my way.

In just four hours we were able to wreck out the kitchen, like nothing, just another empty room with 220v wires coming out of the wall and floor and some water connections. Kitchen = GONE! We also did the same to the master bath. Judging by how hard it was to get the giant soaking tub from 1982 out of there, it was obvious that it was never meant to come out. We ripped out some carpet and took apart a big teak wall unit – also from 1982.

The whole time I am working today I was keeping an eye on the time because I knew our movie started at 530 and I still had to make it home, shower, and then make it to the theater. Proud to say I kept to my schedule and as soon as I got out of the shower I was on “scheduled” relax time.

I am going to try to explain the difference between relaxing and scheduled relaxing.

So after a hard or long day, at some point I get a chance to sit down. Maybe have a drink, kick off my shoes, and even catch a show with the kid. Whenever I do this, my mind is still working and I am really not “there”. I often have to get up to jot down a note, look something up or even shoot off a quick email. I am not truly relaxed.

We left to get to the theater with plenty of time and I started to really feel myself unwind. Because I had scheduled this time off, I was not worried about anything else but spending time with Amy. When we finished the movie I was feeling great. I was in such a different place that I actually saw what I normally look like in the others around me. Face in their phones, in a huge hurry, or just not paying attention to anyone around them.

We went to grab a bite to eat and again we were in no hurry at all. Scheduled relaxation is way better than any just putting your feet up moment that I may be able to take every once in a while. Scheduled relaxation is a game changer. I feel like a million bucks right now. I am gonna wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready to go!