Day 210 – Early start and a full day.

Normally I get a late start on Wednesdays. I am up late with the quiz on Tuesdays and I use that as an excuse to sleep in. Funny thing about excuses, they are just that – excuses.

Today I got up at my normal time. Yeah it was rough but that what SPARK is for! I had to take Cort down to the in law’s new place so he could help my brother with the remodel and I came back and got an early start on my day.

I actually got so wrapped up in follow ups and emails that I lost track of time. I had a haircut appointment at 1:30 that I almost missed. I had a follow up at a local tavern and then made it home to spend some time with Amy.

One of the things I do for her that I can pretty much guarantee other husbands do not is that I dye her hair. Yeah like i get the color kit and I dye her roots. Laugh if you will but, if you are a woman reading this you probably think that is awesome! Guys, it saves money and earns me more points than you could possibly imagine. Plus i get to ususally watch a movie while we are doing it which tonight was the new 300 movie!

After dinner I got to take my youngest to his driving test for his license. I have to admit I am nervous about him being on the road but, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he is the youngest and this is just another sign that our babies are growing up.

Business wise today was a maintenance day. A lot of follow ups and planning and tomorrow will be much of the same with a few appointments and presentations. Product is starting to hit the shelves and I need to organize tastings and get creative with inexpensive promotions to get some sales and start turning product off of the shelves.

New haircut, a clear desk and a full task sheet and I am ready to rock!

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