Day 384 – Mastermind Group taking shape.

Couple cool things going on.

Fist of all, this weekend I made moves to finally start a Mastermind group. A Mastermind group is a concept that I have known about for several years but, I have never been able to put one together.

I went through my local contacts and reached out to a specific set of people that have similar goals and drives. People that I have connected with on a different level than most relationships and always leave them thinking that I would like to get to know them a bit better. I also choose people who were busy but, who could make the time and commit.

The concept of the Mastermind has been around naturally since men started working together on a common goal. It was studied and broken down for us, most famously, by Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich. Hill says that when two or more minds come together to work on a common goal that there is an additional mind formed as the sum of it’s contributors. A hive mind if you will that, when tapped is the source of more power than any one of the contributing minds alone. None-of-us-is-as-smart-as-all-of-us

One of the greatest examples in history of the a successful Mastermind group is a group of men who all became household names. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Dale Carnegie, Harvey Firestone, Charles Wrigley, William Hertz and Graham Bell. 

Recognize them?

These guys would get together on a regular basis and exchange ideas and help eachother with business solutions.

My goal is the same. I have invited several people to be a part of this and by meeting regularly for mutually beneficial reasons, I hope for us all to move closer to our purpose and become even more successful in our endeavors.

Want to learn more about a Mastermind group? Click here
to hear is explained from Napoleon Hill

Day 25 – The Week in Review and the Mastermind group

WIROkay I know Saturday is supposed to be for my week in review but I have a little more to say. So . . . This week has been moderately productive. Lots accomplished but most of it has been administratively. I guess that is to be expected for the month of January but, I would like more. We signed the lease for the warehouse on the I 502 Project and that was a very big deal. Certainly a milestone. I met the electrician last night and he gave me a challenge but I got it all figured out. and we are fortunate to have everything on that project screaming ahead at break neck speed. Eves was good this week as we are getting lots of national inquiries and may even be presenting to Kroger & Walmart in the next couple months! YES!!!! Something definitely happened in Wired Waffles this week as we had several orders come in from out of the blue. Looks like  Men’s Health writer mentioned us somewhere! Man! looking back I would say this has actually been a kick ass week!

So, I am sitting here and taking a moment scrolling through “wastebook” and I see a recurring ad for Damon John Shark University. Coming soon to the Seattle area! Register now! What a load of shit! Damon John is not even coming. It is a company he has put his name on with sales people selling some program claiming to be able to “jumpstart” your business and get the investors you need. Here is my problem: Damon John for one did not pitch to investors. He did not go out and have to get polished to talk to some angel investor. He knew LL Cool J from the hood and got him to invest. The same way you or anyone else goes to family and friends first. now he is a smart guy I have no doubt. I have stood face to face with him and talked business for over an hour, but he is certainly capitalizing on his tenure as a shark on ABCs Shark Tank.  Before you spend your hard earned money on a seminar that no doubt is going to get you to spend even more money I would like you to investigate what Napoleon Hill calls the Mastermind.

The Mastermind is a group of your peers that all have a common goal that coome together for the betterment of all. The Mastermind principle has worked for years and profitable for some of the richest men in the history of our country. Henry Ford, John Rockefeller, and the great J Paul Getty have all been a part of a Mastermind group. It cost them nothing but their own time and talents being shared with a few select peers. In have a Mastermind group. I group of men that I respect in different areas of business that I can bounce ideas and challenges off of. They objectively look at decisions I make and ask good and sometime hard questions about how I have come to certain decisions. They offer advice and criticisms and I have given them permission to do so. These people know me and care about my success because I am doing the same for them. I do not have to pay them not do they pay me. We are gathered together for the collective success of the group. Take for instance previously mentioned Henry Ford. Henry Ford MastermindHis mastermind group was not made up of inheritance and trust fund kids but self made men. All of whom were successful after joining forces. These men included: Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel and Charles Lindberg. How would you like to have been a fly on the wall of that meeting? These guys influenced or directly created things from the car and electricity to the Boeing 747 and the artificial heart.

Trust me when I tell you that you have friends like these in your life! Find them and approach them! If you have not read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, you should pick up a copy.