Day 270 – How secure is security?

postofficeSecurity is one of the basic human needs.

I think most of us live in a false sense of it in our daily lives. We were told when we were growing up that if we did well in school and went to college we would get a good job. That good job would take care of us until retirement.

We go to work every day under the impression that the building to the place of our employment will be standing and the doors open. How many stories have we heard in the last decade about people going to their secure job only to find out that it was all an illusion. In the blink of an eye their security blanket of a good job was snatched away from them, often without a notice.

Maybe it was downsizing. Maybe the owner sold the business to retire and the new owners just want to bring in their own people. or maybe the owners just lost their lease and have no money or no where to relocate and start over.

Being an employee you are totally at the will of someone else and have NO control over your future. You may have faith in your future and believe in security but it is really not there. As a business owner or entrepreneur we have a LITTLE control over these thing. We can purchase property, grow smart and even in slow times cut back on staff to support ourselves.  A little is more than none and still not total security. It is more stressful as a business owner but, at the end of the day I know that I have more control over my future and an owner than I would as an employee.

I have people ask me all of the time, “How do you do it? How do you go without having a guarantee of where your next dollar will come from?” I tell them that I am no different than them. They have no more guarantee than me and I am just taking a longer road than most that will take me to a potentially higher peak than most as well. The trail is hard to find and follow but for the brave it is worth it.

I find security in being in control of my own destiny and choices. Security is based on the results of my personal efforts and no one else’s. While it may seem a little less secure, in the long game I think it is the better choice.