Day 367 – end of the week . . . beginning of the year.

January 2nd and we are into 2015!

Kind of weird that today is a work day and the start of many people’s resolutions but, its Friday. Its the end of the week but the beginning of a new year!

Well I have not even taken my own advice and written down my 2015 goals. Maybe one of them should be less procrastination? I have a few things that I really need to look at this year and get on a timeline. Business goals and personal ones as well. I will certainly be taking some time this weekend to actually get that done and I will of course share because that is what this is for.

I have a bunch of things to do this weekend actually and the list is getting longer as I sit here looking at my desk. I have been a bit neglectful of a few things and the tornado on my desk certainly shows it. Invoices, bills, and checks laying everywhere. I am sure that Richard Branson’s desk does not look like this at all.

Funny but, I am actually really excited about catching up and cleaning my desk. My head is spinning right now and my ADD is kicking into overdrive as I struggle to finish this and make lists at the same time. Time to wrap this up and report some progress tomorrow.

Remember, this is the beginning of the year not the end of the week. Get some!

2 thoughts on “Day 367 – end of the week . . . beginning of the year.

  1. It has been such a pleasure reading your blog in the spits and spurts that I did (thankfully they don’t disappear daily – that would be sucky!)!!! I’m quite happy to be living vicariously through your adventures and mishaps and wins and sit here on the sidelines cheering you on. You do have a gift for writing (if not for grammar and spelling) and I hope you do actually continue to blog as determinedly as you did this last year. You are inspiring!!

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