Day 352 – Felling better and just in time!

I am certainly feeling better.

Yesterday I was coming around but by the end of the day I learned what my mother meant all of those years ago by warning me to not “over do it”. I just had too many things piling up and had to get some things done. I am grateful for the held I had from Amy & Cort last night to get a huge task done that would have taken me 4 hours alone but we knocked it out in 1 1/2!

christmas_is_coming_by_nickovatus-d4k1nbpThe absolute best part of my day yesterday was coming home to see the tree finally decorated. I have had a really hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year and the season is almost over and I feel like I have missed out on so much. Normally lights are up and tree is gotten on the 1st Saturday of December. I put up “some” lights and got the tree last Sunday. Finally got the tree into the house on Tuesday and decorated yesterday.

Last night on the way home we passed a tree lot that had free on the gate! That is how late we are people!

I walked in the door sick and exhausted to see the tree decorated, presents under it, stockings stuffed and my festive, beautiful wife working away wrapping presents. Christmas music was playing and it may have been the first time this season that it felt like Christmas.

I know you may be thinking that it is still a week away and that it is normal to see cars going down the street this late with trees hanging on them. It is late for us because we are starting a new tradition this year.

With four boys we understand that the holidays can be stressful. As they get older and married with children (no hurry). There will be in laws to visit as well as them trying to establish their own things. Amy and I had no illusions that we would be able to get everyone together on Christmas Day or Eve for that matter. What we have decided to do, is to make the Saturday before Christmas, our Sullivan Christmas. That way they do not have to worry about where they did thanksgiving or who’s house they did Christmas morning at last year. The Saturday before Christmas is ours.

That is tomorrow! Yeah, today is my Christmas Eve people! This has not been the week to get sick. It came so fast that I am barely having time to enjoy it. Tomorrow morning all the boys and their girlfriends will be over. We will have eggs Benedict, mimosas and open presents! I feel like a little kid just writing that!

Today is going to go pretty fast! Glad I am feeling better.

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