Day 29 – Obstacles

obstaclesSo Wednesdays are usually a bust day for me already. I have to get up and gather scores and pictures from my Pub Quiz the night before, edit the pictures and write a blog on the previous night. No big deal but, I have to have it done by 1:00 pm. So because I am out late on Tuesdays I sleep in later than normal. Usually it is harder than it sounds as I am laying there thinking about all of the things I need to accomplish today. So I get up Have a cup of coffee and dig out my camera. I download the pictures and edit and re-size them in preparation for the blog. Another cup of coffee and I launch the web page for me to upload my blog and my computer takes a big steaming turd on my morning. I try to click on the hyperlink I need and I am in the middle of a dealshark window bomb. click another button and I am invited to enter 42 different sweepstakes. I spend some time working on this. I restart my computer, I try another browser, and I even contacted the Geeks Who Drink Administrators to see if maybe it was their site and not me. NOPE. So I cannot even get to the page that I need in order to upload my pictures let alone write my blog. Luckily for me there are 2 other computers in the house and I was able to pivot and get my stuff done on one of the others. After I finished I was tasked with trying to clean up my computer. Anyone who has ever done this knows that it is the biggest time suck in history. You can lose 3 hours like singles at a strip club, it is really that bad. Finally my youngest came home from school and in a matter of about an hour he was able to eradicate 98% of the problems. There is still something on my computer called conduit that like to try and hijack my searches every so often but we are working on that too.

I was able to get the utilities switched over for the warehouse and put it under VISCRO Holdings LLC. It is a brand new company so they said we may have to put down a deposit. I did not share with them exactly how much power we will be consuming, because I did not want to get a bill for $10K for a utility deposit. I was able to get a lot done today actually even in the face of and unforeseen urgent obstacle. It is times like that that as a business owner I have to take a step back and really count my resources and allocate my time accordingly. I had back up computers. I had my son coming home that could help me and I could still do work on the phone that needed to be done. at the end of the day I had check marks on my list and while the obstacle may have slowed me down it did not stop me. In fact it helped hone a skill of stepping back and assessing the situation before plowing ahead. Obstacles are a part of growth and success. I have heard it said that, “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

Hero ad shot with borderThen late tonight I received an order from the Casino! I just invoiced them their first 4 cases of Eve’s Apple Pie Moonshine! After that delivery we will get both of the Tribal liquor stores and we are in! I also received a very special and top secret delivery today that is a major component to an Eve’s Moonshine product we are coming out with in the fall. Stay tuned for that! It could possibly be the biggest and coolest niche thing to hit the spirit market in the last several decades, it is a real game changer.

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