Day 146 – Holiday Weekend?

Yes it was a glorious 3 day weekend for most.

I am however, a business owner. My business is still in the start up stage and 3 day weekends or weekends at all are just not in my cards. It is 11:20 at night on Monday Memorial Day and I am just finishing up work for the day.

To be completely honest, I am envious at times like this that at t this time I cannot just pick up and go camping for a few days or go to Vegas for a quick trip. Don’t get me wrong, I love those things. When I decided to really go after it this year I knew there would be sacrifices. Sacrifice of vacations and quick trips where I can just unplug. At this point I just never know what is going to come up.

Today for instance, I got a call from someone who will be my Broker for Eve’s Apple Pie in Kansas & Missouri. It was a quick somewhat informal call but still he called and I was available. That is really they key right now. I cannot afford to be unavailable.

Also we are in the middle of our test harvest at our warehouse. We have spent the last 3 months dialing in environmental controls and figuring out the building developing out plan for state licensed marijuana sales. At this point I am committed to several hours a day at the warehouse taking notes, planning and harvesting. Balance of my time has become a necessity not just a want.

entreprenuer-lifestyleI do these things and make the sacrifices of things like vacations only temporarily. For when it pays off I will have more time to be able to do the things I want. It has been said that an Entrepreneur does the things most people won’t to have a life most people cannot.

That dream of the future is what keeps me going. I am not depressed or upset that I cannot do things now. I just look forward to how sweet those times will be next year when I can.

Day 131 – Mother’s Day

One of the challenges of a struggling entrepreneur is of course money.

It’s funny because I think that people have a rather skewed view of entrepreneurs. I think that because someone works for themselves, people think that is is all roses but, nothing could be farther from the truth.

I have been officially working for myself for two years now. It has been two years of struggles financially. The struggles manifest in different ways. Stress of course about paying bills and meeting obligations is an obvious one. There is another dread of the struggling entrepreneur that is even harder to deal with. Holidays and birthdays.

I love to give. To see someone happy and smile in appreciation as they receive a thoughtful gift really makes me happy. Unfortunately, that is a luxury that I have been dreading lately. It has been a real bummer the last several months. Christmas was hard and we have had birthdays come and go without us able to afford to give presents to our kids.

Today was depressing for me as it was Mother’s Day and I could not even get Amy a present as things are tough right now. Even though things are looking really good in the future and we have a lot of good things happening in the businesses. Cash flow is really tight.

Of course I wished Amy a happy Mother’s Day and I know she understands more than anyone. This is my problem and it really stresses me out.

To me the measure of a Mother is seen in the fruit of her children. I look at my boys and I am literally in awe. I know today is a time when everyone brags on their wives and mothers as the best in the world. Please indulge me as I brag on Amy.

Amy always wanted to be a mother. If you asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up as a kid she would have undoubtedly told you just that. When we started to have kids at a very young age, Amy was dedicated to being there for the boys as much as she could. She made the decision early to stay at home and jumped into Home Schooling the boys even though she had no experience and was scared she jumped right in. She dedicated herself to spend time with them and always be there for them. While they were growing up she was a mother and a friend to them all. She has always been so close to them and had one of the most special relationship with all four of them. She has spent a lifetime cultivating a relationship with them that anyone can tell that they all value.

She has always taken every situation and tough conversation head on. I remember coming home from work one day to find that she had “the talk” with them in the kitchen that afternoon. They all sat around the kitchen, on the counters and at the table and had a great, open and candid talk.

The relationship that she has made with each one of them manifests itself almost daily. They call her and share things with her. Challenges and triumphs alike. They respect her and think of her often. One of them was in Las Vegas on vacation this weekend and took time to send her a message making sure to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. They walk into a room and hug her and show her tons of affection.

I know all mothers love their kids but I think Amy takes it to another level. Her actions speak volumes over her words and it shows in the character of the four young men I call my sons.

mothers dayI am truly blessed to call Amy my wife and the mother of our kids. She is an amazing mom!

Happy Mother’s Day Babe! I love you!

PS. You know the good gifts are coming soon!

Day 129 – We have a great product – people just need to know.

Days like today are great for a business owner!

I have said how cool it is to take an idea and turn it into a reality. Over the last year and a half Amy and I have been working on our Apple Pie Moonshine. We took a recipe that we had been enjoying personally with friends and family for years and turned it into something big. From 3 gallon batches on the stove to 300 gallon batches in a Distillery.

Wine WalkTonight we took part in a fund raiser in downtown Snohomish. We shared tastes of our passion with people on a wine walk and they loved it! It is so much fun to listen to people talk about OUR product!

It was about a 3 hour event and we had 80 people come by and taste. They had the opportunity to buy bottles at another location so we had no idea how sales were actually going until the end of the event. I walked into the event store and there was a bottle of Apple Pie open and everyone was sharing it. They were all talking about how great it was and how everyone was talking about it. When they realized who I was they all gathered around and wanted to hear the story of how we got started.

Turns out EVERYONE was talking about Apple Pie and it was the star of the event. I knew in my heart we had a good product. When you get positive affirmation like that from your customers it just fuels the fire.

Things are good right now and we have things happening. My challenge now is to add some gasoline to that fire. I need to find some capitol to get some marketing going. Sponsoring events and promos. Launch  events and tastings. I need to get displays made and point of sale material. One thing I have learned is that even successful and great products need to be advertised. The word has to spread to in order fro demand to increase. In short, people need to know about an awesome product. If they don’t know about it they don’t know to buy it.

Events like tonight are great. It proves that we have a product that people want we just have to introduce them to it and that is the challenge.

Day 122 – 19 hour day? YES!

A 19 hour day comes to a close with me writing my blog technically on day 123. I have been on the road for the last 2 1/2 hours coming home from Eastern Washington. I am tired but I want to share why this 19 hour day is better than most 8 hour days I have ever had.

I woke up at 4:45 this morning. Yes, I know that you are all gasping for breath because you know I am not about that life. I was out of the house by 5:00 and spent an hour at the warehouse. I was back home and working on emails chatting with Amy when Cort, my youngest came downstairs ready for school. He looked at me like I had three heads because I am never up. He just shook his head when I told him I had been up for a while and already left and come back home once.

Eve’s Apple Pie along with our Distillery, It’s 5 Artisan Distillery is sponsoring a Bull Riding event this weekend and I thought I was going to have to be there for two days. Thinking that, I had to prepare food for the time I was away. I am super committed to my Advocare 24 Day Challenge so I took some time portioning meals for the next two days. I made a couple smoothies and packed my supplements with all of the food into a cooler. I packed an extra set of clothes, a sleeping bag and a cot to enjoy a great evening under the stars in Wenatchee. I Was showered and even ironed a shirt and was out the door again by 8:30.

It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive to the distillery and lucky for me Amy’s Espresso stand is on the way. After gassing and stopping for ice and a kiss from my bride I was on my way.

Now we had to bottle Apple Pie today before the event and labels were supposed to arrive on Thursday but a problem at the press had them delayed. I had to drive past the distillery and got to FedEx to pick them up at the depot. I arrived at the distillery about 11:30.

eve bottlesWe got all set up and started bottling. Bottling at the distillery is one of the coolest things ever! I love working over there. Mixing and creating is cool but, seeing it go into the bottle is joy. I look down at a table filled with apple pie bottles and I see our future. It feels like we are printing money! We bottled about a half of a pallet and had to stop. We needed to be at Toyota Town Center in Wenatchee at 5:oo to meet the bar staff and get ready for the Bull Riding event.

Banner at BullridingWe spent a couple hours hanging posters and discussing recipes with the bar staff before the event started. As people began to filter in, it was music to sit in the bar and watch people order Apple Pie and see the look of approval on their faces. We even got an online inquiry from someone at the vent asking where they could buy it!

As a sponsor they announced Eve’s over the mic several times and we even had a bull named Eve for the night! It was great to enjoy the event from the VIP area and talk with people about Apple Pie. The event ended around 10:oo and Colin (the Distiller) and I decided that is was not necessary that I be there tomorrow as well. We did all the work today and he would be there tomorrow along with his Sales VP.

When given the choice I will always choose to sleep in my bed. So I hit the road. A little bit in and I realized my blog would be late. I actually considered stopping and parking outside a Starbucks to jack the wi-fi to get it in on time but I figured it would be okay.

They say do what you love and love what you do. Mission Accomplished!

Day 118 – Almost out? No Problem.

no-problemToday was Monday and it was not nearly as exciting as last Monday.

Last Monday we got the news that a major distributor would be picking up Eve’s. This week we are trying to balance our last few bottles between customers that need them and a major sponsoring event we have coming up this weekend. Eve’s is a sponsor of a rodeo happening in Wenatchee at their annual Apple Blossom Festival. The thing is, I only have 22 bottles of Apple Pie in stock right now. Thursday the new labels will be coming in and I can begin bottling. That will give me access to 3 pallets but. for the next 5 days I only have 22 bottles.

The stress that I am experiencing having only that many bottles is pretty damn high! Haha you want transparency and honesty? The absolute worst thing that could happen to a new business is to tell a customer that they are out of product. Especially when you are growing. It communicates the absolute wrong message.

Fortunately I have been able to manage this and control inventory. I am feeling better now that I know the new bottle as only a couple days away and I can easily make that workable. Unfortunately I have not been able to grow the business necause of this only sustain the business we have.

After the next bottling we will be able to deliver to the new distributor and be sending off samples to Albertsons, Safeway, and Fred Meyer. They will be getting the newest batch and that comes ant almost 60 proof instead of 45 proof.

As a business owner I will always have problems. I know there are better problems to have than others but, they are still problems none the less. Problems are opportunities and this one has been a good one. I have learned that I need to keep a better eye on my inventory and also how long a batch really takes to bottle. I will know next time.


Day 87 – Hope to clear some room on my plate.

Talk about productive!

I know that most normal people work hours like this but there was not wasted time today. From the time I got up I was working all day long. Appointments and phone calls all day long.

I spent the first part of the day meeting with an expert horticulturist. I went into the meeting checking my ego knowing that this guy knew a lot more than I did. That is a very hard thing for me to do as I take a lot of pride in my ability to learn new things. I was able to set aside my ego and really listen to someone who knew more than me.

That is a trait that is hard for me and it took a lot to just listen. As an entrepreneur it is easy to be egotistical. It is very hard for me to take criticism and not get defensive. If I am actually able to listen I can really learn something and I did. In the big picture I have realized that I am a novice when it comes to actually growing. Yes I can put things into a formula and make things happen but to actually talk to someone that actually has experience is beyond valuable. As I talked to thins guy I realized that I needed him and found myself less defensive. I realized that this guy could help move us to another level that I could not attain by myself.

Being successful is about the right team. Yes, could figure this whole deal out but, wouldn’t it make more sense to bring on an expert that can get us to the end game in half the time? I am an administrator and an organizer. I have a huge burden with the licensing of our legal business. My plate was additionally burdened with the whole gardening thing. I am excited about the possibility of bringing on an expert grower that is willing to take a percentage of the big picture and not looking for a daily paycheck.

As an entrepreneur I seek out these type of relationships. In the marijuana business these type of people have been hard to find but I knew they were out there.

I am totally willing to give up some to gain more. In the next few days we will be negotiating what a guy like this id worth and I hope we can fit him into our structure. The burden that would be lifted from me would be unmeasurable.  I will have plenty to do with compliance and the whole licensing process in the next few months. I hope we can work something out with this guy to clear some room on my plate.

Day 85 – You’d better be handy!

gearsOne of the things you can count on is business and life. for that matter, is that stuff is going to break. Maybe your packaging machine isn’t sealing. Maybe you clothes dryer doesn’t get hot or maybe your car started making a bad noise. We have all had things like this happen. I have had these specific things happen among many others in my years as an entrepreneur.

I have worked hard at becoming mechanically inclined, mostly out of necessity. I remember my brother in law showing me how to change the brake pads on my first car when I was just 19. I remember my brother meticulously explaining every detail of what does what rebuilding a motor. From these base experiences I have developed the ability to understand how things work and I am not afraid to tackle a project. In fact I get super excited if I get to buy a new tool!

I was not always this way and I am telling you it is something you can learn. If you are flush with cash and investors well then you get the luxury of operating a tool I do not get to use often and  it actually grinds me when I have to. People with the cash get to use their checkbook. It is a very powerful and efficient tool no doubt. Bootstappers like me do not have this tool in our toolboxes.

We instead rely on ourselves to make things happen and get things fixed. If you are not handy you better get handy or you will be using cash for emergencies instead of expanding or buying product or even a new piece of equipment.

Seriously when I look at a repair, even if I have the ability to take care of it myself I think about what I could have done positively with that money. exhaustI just spent $200 fixing the exhaust on my car today. Even though I saved another $215 doing it myself I can’t help but think about POS or promotional material I could have bought.

Now there is another tool an entrepreneur can use if they are not super handy and are bootstapping it as well. This is one of my favorite methods because it seem to be a forgotten yet valuable tool. The tool we all have in our toolbox is the barter! I will give you a great example. Last year a friend on Facebook posted about an unforeseen car repair that was going to cost them over $700. I know this family is in no position to spend this kind of money and I had a pretty good suspicion that they were not very car savvy.  I was actually able to help them out using parts from a junkyard and did the repair for $100 in parts. Now, the wife was a photographer and I just so happened to need a photo shoot and editing done for the Eve’s Apple Pie label. Do you think she was happy to exchange services? You bet, and we both won!barter

Bootstrapping entrepreneurs have to be creative, handy, frugal and many other things out of necessity. Being mechanically inclined is a very valuable tool and you should know that it can be learned. The next time you are going to throw something out, grab a screwdriver and tear it open to see how it works. When something breaks, spend some time online, in forums and on youtube. We live in an amazing time where information is at your fingertips for FREE and a lot of the times you can even find videos on how to do something step by step.

I have found videos on replacing a magnetron in a microwave, replacing a heater element in a dryer, and replacing an internal gear in a 4 wheel drive actuator in a BMW SUV just to name a few and I have saved over $2000 on just those 3 things. $2,000 is a lot of money to me. How about you?

Do yourself a favor and Get Handy!

Day 84 – So you want to go on Shark Tank?

shark tankIn the last couple days I have been contacted by people wanting information on Shark Tank. This happens every once in a while and the questions are usually of a curious nature. People, usually fans of the show want to hear all about it. How were the sharks? Did I get to meet them afterwards? What was it like?

Sometimes I get a call or an inquiry from someone who wants to go on Shark Tank. It is these people that I deal with just a bit differently. I turn it around and ask them why they want to go on the show.

I usually have to preface this with explaining that while my episode did not paint me or Wired Waffles in the most positive light, I had a great time and I am thankful for the experience. I have to tell them this because they usually have some grand view of Shark Tank and will take my questions and comments negatively chalking it up to me having an ax to grind. I had a fantastic time on the show and I would not trade the experience for anything.

I ask them why they want to go on the show to see what their motivation is. Shark Tank is a great place to get some national attention and drive some sales or jump start a national campaign. It is NOT a great , good or even fair place to raise capital.

Anyone who goes on the show with the mindset of raising capital will most likely be very disappointed. There are much better places to raise capital and angel investors to be found in every city across the USA. If you have tried these places and had no success you will not find any on Shark Tank. You may have to look at your idea and you may find the fault lies with the idea.

I am in a very close private networking group with other entrepreneurs who have been on the show. What I have found behind the curtain of television is the same that they found before me. Shark Tank is in fact a television show. The producers are paid to put together a show that will draw ratings and advertisers and they do an extremely good job at it.

In the 3 months that I was dealing with Shark Tank before my taping I can tell you it consumed 90% of my time. time I could have been doing other more productive things. I put virtually all of my eggs in Mark Burnett’s basket and they never hatched.

No this is where you and those that I talk to think I am just bitter. I will give you a statistic that is actual fact but ABC will never publish it because the veil would fall. Less than 30% of the deals that are shaken on actually get funded. There is one entrepreneur that I know pretty well that even received a check on national TV for her deal and still has that check to this day. No deal no cash and her story is heard over and over again. Yes there are successes that come from Shark Tank but they are the exception rather than the rule and if you ask any of them they will tell you that the biggest sales deals they got were because of things they already had in the works and NOT because of the shark involved.

These sharks have become entertainers and most of them are out only to promote themselves and the brand they have become. Only a couple of them really care about helping the small guy turn into something amazing. Still others are only there for themselves. There are way better resources locally and you will most likely have a better experience and results finding an angel investor that is more familiar with your project and has community ties.


Day 83 – Hello Monkey wrench!

Monkey-Wrench-250x300I had lots of plans for sales meetings this week but I had a wrench thrown into that plan Saturday. As far as wrenches go this is a good one but a wrench none the less. It seems that Eve’s has been even more popular than I had thought and I was only keeping track of my sales and not the sales of the distillery itself.  As of this moment I only have 4 cases and we need to go into production like yesterday!

We have ordered to apple concentrate, need to order some glass, and have everything else we need. So Saturday I will be trekking to Cashmere and making our next batch!

I have a couple retail displays and contacts at Total Wine and BevMo! ready to go. We are searching for a Distributor and things are ready to rock! The response that we got at the Distillery Festival was beyond our expectations. So I will be continuing to set up meetings and hit it hard next week.

Getting it made will not take long. Since this is still a craft spirit once it is made we have to send it off for testing to get the alcohol percentage measured and after we have that we have to get labels made accordingly. That will be the thing that takes time.

Being honest here to you . . . I have to be in just maintaining mode and taking care of orders that come in from existing customers. The worst thing that could happen would be for me to have to tell customers yeah I can fill your order in about a week.

Luckily I have enough product to handle existing accounts so this will not be an issue but, it is of course a bit stressful. As far as problems go, running through product faster than expected is a great problem to have!

Day 80 – Hat of the day . . .? The carpenter’s hat!

10001354_10203822015497276_1119597657_nI spent most of my day being handy. I have had the design for this new retail display floating around in my head. The rustic, reclaimed wood look. I spent time researching lumber and stains. taking dimensions off of lumber from apple boxes. After about four hours of engineering, staining, and assembly here is my finished product! It holds one full case and has room for signage. In the future we will be getting a 8″ x 12″ brand that we can burn into the back display board. We will also be putting pegs on for recipe cards and specials. The other flavors will all be in the same bottles so it will be universal for our product only. That is good so retailers cannot put other things on our display rack.

It felt good to take over the garage and kick out the car. I set up my sawhorses and air compressor. I got out the nail gun, level and even my angle finder!photo (22) Sometimes it feels good to set up shop and actually create. Working with my hands is relaxing and almost like therapy. I love going to the hardware store and just looking around or going from isle to isle trying to figure out the best way to build something.

Now that I have the first one build my beancounter side can take over. How can I do it faster, more efficiently and less expensive? I will build several more on days that I need to relax and be handy. Until eventually I can no longer handle it and then sadly I will have to outsource it.

I will no doubt have some other project by then but for now I am basking in my triumph today. It was not only a triumph in productivity in getting something major accomplished but, a therapeutic one as well.