Day 267 – Saving costs where we can! **REDACTED**

*** This post has been reacted by Eve to protect her recipe and process. ***

I am such a cheapskate!

bootstrapSo we made our largest batch of Apple Pie on Wednesday and we did it a little different that normal. Usually we xxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx while we are mixing the cider. We also have another xxx xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx as well. Xxx xxx xxxxxx extracts xxxxx xxxx into the xxxxx as we add xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx. This time we decided to xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxx. It is a xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx. We just xxxxxxxxx xxxxx   xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx x xxx xxxxx. This got us x xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx in less time. After we xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx we were left with xx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxx. Normally no big deal as the waste would just get xxxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxx xx.

Our Apple Pie bottles each have a cinnamon stick in the bottom for added flavor and we simply xxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xx x xxxx xxxxxxx. When we were cleaning it all out Colin asked me xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xx put in the bottle xxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx.

That is a hundred bucks xx xxxxxxxxx and I did not want to wasted it increasing our cost. An extra $0.04 per bottle. So I xxxx xxx xxxxx home and today I spent about 3 hours xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx to be put into the bottles. I was a pain in the but and I think we will re-institute xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxx!

We will be mixing on Monday then sending off a batch sample for proofing. Once we have the results and they are acceptable we have to get that information off to the printer and have the labels made for this batch. Only then can we bottle. It is a step that we hope to eliminate in the future but the equipment we need to assure alcohol percentages comes with a $52,000 price tag. For now we keep this small craft batch size but we will soon be out growing this process and have to upgrade. That will also be followed by a new bottling set up as well. This kind of growth cost money but we will go about it smartly and only when the demand requires it. I would be nice to be able to do it and remain debt free but it looks like we may be growing faster than that will allow. Not a bad problem but, still one we will enter with caution and only when it makes sense.