Day 272 – New relationships and Family Dinner

Waking up every day I have no idea what the day will bring or who I will meet.

Today I had several things to do around the office but I was looking forward to a meeting I was trying to set up with a BHO (Butane Hash Oil) processor.

Yes this post will mostly be about my Marijuana operation.

Handshake_(Workshop_Cologne_'06)I have sold most of the useful product we have from the first harvest that was of a Medical grade level. All that is left is the trimmings and some plants that, due to my lack of experience have over-flowered and cannot be sold as medicine in their current state. I have been experimenting with several different concentrates such as butter for cooking and Dry Ice Hash and I have been looking for someone to partner with to make BHO.

It should go without saying that most of the people in this business are not like me. I am a business man first and professional. It is difficult to find trustworthy professional people in this business to partner with and it is a real struggle.

I have been interviewing a couple local people for processing and today I met Pete. As soon as I saw him I knew he was not the typical person in this business. Very professional and clean. He drove a car in good repair and was not flashy. He was me. you guy next door just making a living and helping people. We instantly hit it off and I trusted him enough to leave him with 1.25lbs of my product.

That is a lot of trust!

We struck a deal and he is currently working on my stuff. It is important to use as much of the plant as possible minimizing waste and maximizing the usefulness of what we grow. I am looking forward to see what he will be able to produce and I am looking forward to establishing a long term relationship with Pete.

I came home to Thursday family dinner. Thursdays are always a highlight in my week. A chance to hang out and just be with my favorite people on the planet, my family. We laugh constantly and always have a great meal thanks to my most amazing wife and lover Amy.

All in all it was a very good day.