Day 273 – Buckle up this could get bumpy!

Every business has challenges.

Personal-Injury-Lawyers-in-Concord-NCThe farther you get in any endeavor the challenges get bigger. That is how we grow and move forward. When we are face to face with the challenge it always seems huge. Sometimes they are so big it seems hopeless but, the true entrepreneur will keep looking for a way around, over, or through the obstacle.

We are in a time of growth and on the verge of some big things. Why would I not expect a big ole monkey wrench right about now. Nothing devastating just time for a big pivot.

It is funny how we have a vision of the future and plan a path but it never works as you plan. The destination does not change but the path sure does.

I am sitting here tonight full of anxiety and uncertainty. I know it will work out and Eve’s will be as big as ever but, I am at one of those places where I am just unsure how to proceed. I am in new territory as I am having to trust someone more than I ever have before.

This is uncharted territory for me as I have little control and it is uncomfortable. In the end My partner is just as vested as me and I know he wants Eve’s to succeed just as much as me.

Not too sure how things are going to unfold but like I said I am confident in the outcome!

I’m strapping in for this ride!