Day 259 – Think BIG!

I sometimes do not think big enough.think_big_by_babekha

So, without letting too much out of the bag, I will tell you about a call I got today.

I have been looking for some money to expand Eve’s Moonshine. There are some cool things in the works and I will be sharing them soon I promise. I got a call from a guy today asking me about the money that I am looking for.

I have to tell you that this call took me by complete surprise. Much like the call I got two years ago from a Shark Tank producer while I was checking my mail. He started asking me about what we were doing and the amount of money that I was looking for. Now at this point I am kind of fishing and I really am no where near being ready to having a comprehensive plan and budget. So I shot what I thought was high and told him $75,000 to $100,000. He paysed for just a second and offered me some advice. It was clear that he had way more experience at this than me and asked some hard questions about the amount I was looking for. In no uncertain terms he told me that what I was looking for was no where near enough. He said that if I was serious about going national and being able to support that, I needed more like $5,000,000. Yes 5 MILLION dollars! Of course as he was talking I realized he was right. Expansion is more than a facility. We need money for marketing and support and we would run into problems of being underfunded very quickly.

He helped me realize that this is no game and I should not be afraid to look farther down the road and ask for what I really need. A facility is just the beginning and I will certainly need more capital to be able to do this right but, it was a bit intimidating.

Why not $5,000,000? If that is what we actually need to do what we want to do then why not look for the big money. There are people out there in that investment bracket obviously. Why not invest in me and this company. Is the product good enough? Absolutely! So why not us? There is no good answer to why not us so my dream just got a lot bigger today. Stepping so far out of my comfort zone that I can’t even see it I will be thinking on a much larger scale and see where that takes us.

Will I get 5,000,000? I don’t know but, it is out there for the taking and We really could take this to a level that I have only dreamed about. Isn’t that the plan? We will see what happens but rest assured Eve’s is on the move!