Day 120 – The Sun makes it all better.

When you live in the Pacific Northwest you deal with certain things weather wise. Of course everybody knows how much it rains in Seattle right? Nasty and overcast, or that drizzle! No thanks. We do actually deal with some pretty crappy weather sometimes. Trust me as someone who has worked outside in a trade, I can tell you that Seattle sideways drizzle in wind and 34° is the most miserable thing ever. We deal with it though. We all dream of days far away in a warmer place. Amy and I will have a house on the Caribbean in Central America one day.

SeattleFerryTo4For others there is a dirty little secret about Seattle that no one will tell you. It is the reason we put up with so much crappy weather. It’s funny because we can tell you all the secret and yet no one seems to believe us. They just scoff and say, “yeah right” and walk away believing what they want.

That dirty little secret is this: When the weather is nice in Seattle, it is not just nice. In fact, it is downright amazing! Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, The open sea, and the blue skies contrasting it all is cause for many eye problems at work. You know . . . people just cannot see going in.

2812717_MT-RAINIER-REIToday was one of those days. Tomorrow will be another. Like I said, for most it means trying to get off work early if not altogether to get out the BBQ or hit the lake. Maybe a stroll on the beach?

It puts everyone in an amazing mood. Everybody smiles and feels better. Little things just don’t seem to matter much because it is just one of “those” days.

For me the added energy means I have all kinds of energy. Yeah, I had my quiz last night and that is usually and excuse to sleep until 10:30 or so. This morning I was up and at ’em by 7:15 and out the door by 8:00. I went to the warehouse and did three hours worth of work before I would normally have gotten up.

The sun for me is a motivator because it reminds my of my why. It reminds me of a slower time in my future on a sandy beach in a relaxing country like Belize.

So on days like today I get things done! As a bonus i get to look around and enjoy the amazing beauty of the place I live.Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_101658

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